
Publish Articles Online and Make Money? Tip #1
August 3, 2011, 10:39 pm
Filed under: Make Money Online | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Can this actually be possible :O? People can publish their ideas in writing to make money online… for free? How can this be? That’s right guys, I found two different websites that will allow you to publish your written content online! Here’s the descriptions of the websites:


Triond is a complete publishing service that enables users to easily publish quality content of any type, in any media format. We publish your work on a network of niche websites so you reach a wider audience, gain more recognition and earn more revenue. Publishing with Triond allows  you to focus on your creativity and expression, as Triond’s professionals take care of all the technical, marketing, operational and financial difficulties. Combining your knowledge and creativity with Triond publishing expertise will generate greater readership, wider recognition, and higher revenues. Whether you write, photograph, record or compose, you can submit your creation to Triond.  We accept all original content on any topic, including written articles, pictures, audio, and video.  No matter how you created it, we can publish it. ( Info Grabbed From: http://www.triond.com/info/about , http://www.triond.com/info/how-it-works )


BUKISA is a one stop shop for how-to, informational & educational content. We are both an aggregator and a UGC website. We provide content in the form of articles, videos, presentations, audio recordings and image slideshows. Everyone has the ability to contribute knowledge.  Some can write, while others are more technically gifted. Others can contribute to the BUKISA community in other ways, whether it’s by providing videos, podcasts or PowerPoint slides. There are many ways to contribute your knowledge with BUKISA. BUKISA offers informative and credible information that brings Internet content to a whole new level. BUKISA is based on the premise that everyone has some sort of valuable knowledge to share with the Internet community. Anyone who joins the BUKISA community and shares their knowledge is entitled to their share of the profits. (Info Grabbed From: http://www.bukisa.com/info/about-bukisa )